This year, the Automotive Day 2023 would like to showcase players who offer solutions supporting the transition towards sustainable mobility.
10 booths (2x2m) will be available at the Maison des Arts et des Etudiants on October 05.
To better assess the demand for booths, we are launching this call for exhibitors to identify:
• the companies/organisations willing to participate;
• the project(s)/product(s)/service(s) they would like to present, and their relevance to the event’s themes.
Given that Luxinnovation’s objective, and by extension that of the Automotive Day 2023 organising team, is to provide each company with an opportunity to introduce itself to others and connect with its ecosystem, we reserve the right to choose the exhibitors (in the event of an excessive demand). If this were to happen, we would base our decision on the following criteria:
• the organisation/ company’s past participation as an exhibitor at the Automotive Day;
• the relevance of the proposal;
• the complementarity with the other exhibitors (we try to have a balanced mix between the activities of the exhibitors, their sizes, etc.);
• the attractiveness of a potential demonstrator.
Finally, please note that a €700 all-inclusive contribution towards organisation is required.