Defence Technology and Innovation Day 2024


Cyril Heckel


NGRC Programme Manager


Cyril Heckel joined the NATO Support and Procurement Agency in August 2018 in the Acquisition Planning and Development Office (APDO) responsible for establishing an acquisition framework and leading the initial steps of NSPA's first major acquisitions. Prior to his arrival at NSPA, Cyril Heckel served in the French Navy for 23 years and served in a variety of command positions on board operational units as chief engineer, at the Naval Headquarters, and in several Programme Offices. In addition, he worked 7 years in OCCAR.

This speaker will talk about

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11:40 AM11:50 AM

Introduction to NATO Support and procurement Agency (NSPA)

Celine Danielli
NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA)General and Cooperative Services (LB) Programme Manager
Cyril Heckel
NSPANGRC Programme Manager